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Fuchsia flowers in the garden
Looking for a plant to add vibrant colour to a shady spot in the garden, in a pot or hanging basket? A plant with flowers in bold, vivid shades of white, pink, red and purple that hang below lush green foliage? Find a place in your garden for one of the many varieties of fuchsia.

What you need to know about fuchsias

Name: fuchsia, Fuchsia species.

Height: from 30cm to 2m, depending on variety.

Foliage: lush blue-green to silvery green.

Climate: cold and warm temperate, protect from frost.

Soil: rich, free-draining soil.

Position: morning sun or shade with protection from wind and frost.

Flowering: summer, autumn and spring. Pendulous flowers, often with contrasting coloured petals in shades of white, pink, red, purple or two-tone.

Feeding: regular feeding with a balanced controlled slow-release fertiliser, or pellets such as Dynamic Lifter.

Watering: regular watering in summer; keep moist during winter.

Appearance and characteristics of fuchsia

With 110 different species of fuchsia, there are many different forms, from plants that cascade over the side of a hanging basket or pot, to small shrubs and even hedges. They’re grown for their unusual hanging flowers, which have been described as looking like colourful ballerina skirts.

close up of stunning fuchsias in the garden

Uses for fuchsia

Fuchsia loves a shady spot in the garden, or in a hanging basket or pot. Varieties with large hanging flowers work exceptionally well in hanging baskets, so the flowers are easily seen.

How to plant and grow fuchsia

Follow these tips when planting your fuchsia:

  • Although considered fussy plants by some gardeners, you can grow fuchsia in pots, hanging baskets or even on a trellis, depending on the variety.
  • There are some sun-tolerant fuchsia varieties, but generally whether they’re in pots, baskets or in the ground, they like cool, moist, protected areas with morning sun.
  • Make sure your soil or potting mix is free-draining; fuchsia doesn’t like to be too wet or too dry.
  • Fuchsia is great for shade houses, glasshouses, indoors or on a protected verandah. If your fuchsias are in the house, make sure the room is not too hot, preferably below 24°C, and out of direct sunlight.
  • Be aware that the hardy fuchsia Fuchsia magellanica is an invasive weed in Tasmania.

Caring for fuchsia

During hot weather, your fuchsia will love a drink every second day. Just make sure the water drains away and doesn’t stay in the pot or the soil around the roots in the garden—most fuchsias die from overwatering. Your fuchsia will also love humidity, so when it’s really, hot spray it with a mist of water once a day. Feed it with blood and bone or a good pellet fertiliser such as Dynamic Lifter. While the plants are in flower, give them a half-strength dose of liquid fertiliser specially formulated for flower growth. There’s a great range of fertilisers in store.

How and when to prune fuchsia in Australia

Regular pruning will promote new growth so you’ll get more flowers next season. Hard pruning in winter or in really cold areas in spring will result in a bushy plant with plenty of flowers.

Diseases and pests

Watch out for thrips, aphids and mites; treat with eco-oil or a similar product. Vine moth caterpillars particularly like fuchsias—treat these with Dipel. Powdery mildew can be a problem, treat with a fungicide.

How to propagate fuchsia

Fuchsia is easy to propagate from cuttings in spring. Cut a growing shoot about 6cm long, remove any bottom leaves, dip in rooting hormone and pop into a pot or planting tray filled with propagating mix. Place in a warm spot, maybe on a windowsill, and in 3–4 weeks they should have roots. When your cuttings have started growing you can repot them. Some fuchsia cuttings will grow roots in a jar of water on a window ledge. Either way, you will easily get a good supply of new plants.

If you like this then try

Gardenia: gorgeous evergreen shrub with delightfully perfumed creamy white flowers.

Zygocactus: great heat- and drought-tolerant patio plant with spectacular coloured flowers.

Impatiens: bright-flowered, colourful annual for shady gardens or pots.

Azalea: striking flowering shrub in a range of colours and sizes for a semi shaded spot.

Start planting today

Check out our huge range of plants now and get your garden growing!


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